An ideal American citizen has many characteristics, which distinguish them from others. They have pride, honor, loyalty, ambition, motivation, and are respected by their fellow people. The ideal citizen was one who was unwilling to settle for anything but the best, beginning with the pioneers who took control over their destiny and established the thirteen colonies. The American citizen believes in freedom and justice for all mankind. They believe all men are created equal and have the right to their fundamental human rights, religious rights, right to own property, right to education, right to be protected under the laws of the land etc.

Today’s ideal citizen still holds those ambitious values and has dreams of leadership and innovation. Either way, old or new, model American citizens not only set the standards for the United States, but also for other world countries. They believe, just as America is a place of freedom, technology, leadership, and diversity, other countries also deserve the same opportunities to develop in the global economy. The ideal American citizen today has dreams, ideas, and knowledge to get things accomplished as quick as possible. These ideas of the American citizen create a person who is well regarded and respected. Despite the many problems the United States government have with other nations, American citizens are still one of the most cherished people around the globe for their great work, humanitarianism, democracy, unity, faithfulness and the push for freedom for all mankind.

Margaret Fuller made the argument that men have erected a barrier that held women from the exercise of women’s full citizenship of the United States. Margaret said removing the barrier will bring out the full potentials of women, and make America a beautiful and harmonious place for both men and women. Elizabeth and Lucretia reiterate the fact that government that does not solve the sufferance of women should be replaced and a new one put in place to make sure men and women and equally treated the same. Their fights are legitimate because America fought for independence and freedom for all of mankind, so women should be given their liberty and right to do whatever she wishes to make her happy and a complete citizen.

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