


What is the Report Server?

Report Server is a web application that acts as a gateway to your underlying Report Server database.


This way you can read the metadata of the reports.


The URL is:  http://localhost/ReportServer

What is the Report Manager?

Report Manager is a web interface which allows you to manage your reports on the report server.


This allows you to manage the reports and their data by creating folders, applying security, optimization, etc.


The URL is:  http://localhost/Reports

What are the Deployment Modes?

The Report Deployment modes include:

  1. Native Mode
  • Reporting Engine
  1. Sharepoint Integration Mode
  • Bi Data Centers which has Web UIs and Applications

What are the different Service Account types?

The different Service Account types include:

  1. Local System
    1. Uses Windows Credentials
  2. Network Service
    1. Uses the credentials supplied by your Network Connection
  3. Local Service
    1. Uses the credentials specific to the Reporting Services engine

What are Encryption Keys?

Encryption Keys are a symmetric key to encrypt credentials, connection strings, and other sensitive data that is stored in the report server database.

What happens to Encryption Keys when a Report DB is restored?

When a Report Database is restored, it gains a new encryption key.


In order to fix this, you must backup your encryption keys in order to restore your encryption keys upon a Report DB restore.

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