


What are Ad Hoc Reports?

Ad Hoc Reports are reports that use queries that are made on the fly via drag and drop functionalities.


They can be used by non-technical people who do not know how the data is structured or how to query. They are mostly GUI based.


You use the Report Builder to make Ad Hoc Reports.

What are Embedded Reports?

Embedded Reports are reports which integrate different code such as Java or .NET in order to extend the functionality of the reports.


They allow them to be more robust and interactive. The Report can be embedded into the application or the code can be embedded into the report. It works both ways.

What are the File Types of Reports?

The File Types of reports are .RDL


Report Definition Language


What is a Report Server Project?

It is the VS project template used to create Managed Reports.


It includes all of the functionalities that developers need in order to retrieve data, transform it using code, and create a Managed Reports.

What is a Report Model Project?

It is the VS project template used to create Ad Hoc Reports.


It allows the developer to create a basic model (.SMDL file) that is the input of the Report Builder. The model is a container for meta data.


The non-technical user can then use the Report Builder to make an Ad Hoc Report to show whichever data they want.


Model → Report Builder → Ad Hoc Report

What are the Report Databases?

The Report Databases are:

  • Report Server
  • Report Server TempDB

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