Data Warehouse




What are the types of Control Flow Elements?

There are 3 different types of control flow elements in SSIS. There are containers, tasks, and precedence constraints. These all have different uses in the control flow.

What are Containers?

Containers are used to give structure to packages. There are 3 container types.

What are Sequence Containers?

Sequence containers let you define a subset of the control flow within a container so you can manage these different subsets as a group.

What are For Each Loops?

The For Each loop enumerates a collection and will repeat its control for each member of the enumeration.

What are For Loops?

The For loop will repeat it’s containing control flow until a condition or set of conditions is met.

How does SQL Server Backup Engine protect data and logical backups from being inconsistent?

SQL Server does the following to prevent logical inconsistencies of databases:

  1. Lock the database, blocking all transactions.
    1. No read or write while backup is taking place
  2. Place a mark in the transaction log.
    1. Marks where backup started and ended
  3. Release the database lock.
  4. Back up all pages in the database.
  5. Lock the database, blocking all transactions.
  6. Place a mark in the transaction log.
  7. Release the database lock.
  8. 8. Extract all transactions between the two log marks and append to the backup.

What is the importance of the Differential Backup?

A differential backup captures all the extents that have changed since the last full

backup. And the main purpose of a differential backup is to reduce the number of

transaction log backups that need to be restored.

What conveniences do Differential Backup do?

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