Data Warehouse




What are Data Mapping Documents for?

After the Data Warehouse or Datamart has been designed, to properly populate a data warehouse the source data has to be mapped correctly and accurately to the destination sources and facts.

What are Data Dictionary Documents for?

If the source data is not properly defined, and anomalies such as cryptic column names and cryptic table names exist, the Data Warehouse consultant must ask the organization for an accurate Data Dictionary Document.


Else the consultant must provide a SWOT (Strength Weakness Opportunities Threats) analysis to the business analysis. In order to understand the possible threats or inconsistencies that may occur in the Data Warehouse.

What is DDD?

Domain Driven Design.

What is TDD?

Test Driven Development. Create a project which is made to fail and test it and improve it until you have your final product.

What are Data Source Components?

A Data Source is a Data Flow component that makes data from different external data sources available to other components in the data flow.

The source for a data flow has one regular output. The regular output contains output columns, which are columns the source adds to the data flow.

What are Aggregate Transformations?

Aggregate Transformations apply aggregate functions to column values and copies the results from the transformation output.

What are Audit Transformations?

Audit Transformations can add system or environment information columns to the output result. For example, we can include ExecutionInstanceGUID, PackageID, PackageName, VersionID, ExecutionStartTime, etc. as outputs of the transformation.

What are Cache Transformations?

Cache transform writes data from our connected data source to a Cache connection manager. This will improve performance as we can save to cache memory or even save a cache file locally to our machine. This means the machine doesn’t have to fetch the data from the source any time it wants to use it. However, it will only save unique rows.

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