What is the difference between Fuzzy Lookup and Fuzzy Grouping?

Fuzzy Lookup is used to find clean data.

Fuzzy Grouping is used to remove duplicate data.

Fuzzy Lookup works on a row by row basis.

Fuzzy Grouping works on rows within a group.

Fuzzy Lookup uses a clean reference source as well as its input.

Fuzzy Lookup uses a canonical record from groups of the input.

What are the methods to optimizing a SSIS package?

  • Avoid Blocking Transformations
  • Use SQL Server Source and Destination if Local
  • Optimize any user defined queries
  • Use Fast Load option in Destination
  • Use Order By instead of Sort
  • Implement Parallel Processing Strategies
  • Use Cache Transformation when using a specific data source frequently




What is BIDS?

Business Intelligence development studio, it’s a extension of visual studio shipped with sql server in support of business intelligence tools. SSIS and SSRS and SSAS are projects that are also called BI stack.

What is an SSIS Project?

It’s an executable that is responsible in either moving data from source to destination or execute other tasks like maintenance tasks as well as dba tasks and more.

What is a source adapter?

What is a destination adapter?

What is the difference between fixed attributes, changing attributes and historical attributes in the slowly changing dimension wizard.

Transformation Description Msdn Link
Character Map It is an ssis transformation that operates only on non numeric data. It is meant to change the format of the upstream column to a desired format such as uppercase or lower case as well as special characters. This transformation will apply changes in place or create an additional output with a desired format as well as column names or alias. This transformation also supports an error output. http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms141694.aspx
Merge Transformation The merge transformation is a transformation equivalent to the union operation in TSQL. It only accept two in inputs and two sorted inputs. You can use the sort transformation or avoid it by using the following steps. a-Order data at the source, b-in advance editor of the source adaptor, flag the output property of IsSorted to true.

c- flag the order by column to key position number 1 for both the merge inputs


It makes sure that the upstream has to be sorted and it only accept two inputs.

Sort Sort transformation is a transformation that sorts data either ascending or descending. The second functionality of a sort transformation offers is removing duplicate values found in the input and send distinct values through its output. the sort transformation is a blocking transformation and it does not support an error output. In block transformation, data is kept in the memory prior to applying the transformation logic. Once the operation is over, data is sent down stream.  
Merge Join It is a data flow transformation that will join two inputs from the upstream based on their common attribute. Both input data set should be sorted or ordered by the common attribute in the same direction(asc or desc). Merge join conduct the following operations, an inner join, outer join(Left/right) and a full join . Merge join does not have the command right outer join but the inputs can be switched to accomplish the effect of a right outer join.  Merge join does not support an error output.  
Conditional Split It’s a data flow transformation that will split the flow of data into flows that meet the condition or conditions and a default flow for non matching records. It is a non blocking transformation. It applies expressions to either variables or upstream input columns. Functions such as maths, string, date and others are available to be utilized by SSIS expressions and form a condition. It supports error output.


Derived Column It’s a data flow transformation that will add a change to a column either in place or derived a new column. It operates on upstream columns as well as variables. The derived column Transformation can also apply a logic based on condition and it also supports an error output  

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