I hope everyone had a wonderful July 4th. l want to end this week with one nice piece of information on the naming conventions used in SSIS. There are different conventions used by different organizations but the ones below seems to be standard across lot of organizations. Using a standard naming convention in your work shows level of professionalism and it makes it easy for others to understand your ETL work. Use these standards when naming any object or if you find an older object that doesn’t follow these standards. This approach does not help a great deal at design-time where the tasks and components are easily identifiable but can help a lot at debug-time and run-time.

Here is some general rule to naming package.

  • The package name gives a clear indication of what the package does.
  • The casing adheres to common development practices
  • It helps to organise your packages at design-time into projects that serve a similar purpose.
  • It gives a visual clue as to which packages do similar works instead of what a package does in isolation.
  • It provides some context in which the package operates.
  • It ensures that no two packages have the same name. This can be important when you deploy the packages to your test/QA/live environments – particularly if they are deployed to the same place.

Below is the list of the objects and their standard names.


Task Prefix
For Loop Container FLC
Foreach Loop Container FELC
Sequence Container SEQC
ActiveX Script AXS
Analysis Services Execute DDL ASE
Analysis Services Processing ASP
Bulk Insert BLK
Data Flow DFT
Data Mining Query DMQ
Execute DTS 2000 Package EDPT
Execute Package EPT
Execute Process EPR
Execute SQL SQL
File System FSYS
Message Queue MSMQ
Script SCR
Send Mail SMT
Transfer Database TDB
Transfer Error Messages TEM
Transfer Jobs TJT
Transfer Logins TLT
Transfer Master Stored Procedures TSP
Transfer SQL Server Objects TSO
Web Service WST
WMI Data Reader WMID
WMI Event Watcher WMIE


Component Prefix
DataReader Source DR_SRC
Excel Source EX_SRC
Flat File Source FF_SRC
Raw File Source RF_SRC
Aggregate AGG
Audit AUD
Character Map CHM
Conditional Split CSPL
Copy Column CPYC
Data Conversion DCNV
Data Mining Query DMQ
Derived Column DER
Export Column EXPC
Fuzzy Grouping FZG
Fuzzy Lookup FZL
Import Column IMPC
Lookup LKP
Merge MRG
Merge Join MRGJ
Multicast MLT
OLE DB Command CMD
Percentage Sampling PSMP
Pivot PVT
Row Count CNT
Row Sampling RSMP
Script Component SCR
Slowly Changing Dimension SCD
Sort SRT
Term Extraction TEX
Term Lookup TEL
Union All ALL
Unpivot UPVT
Data Mining Model Training DMMT_DST
DataReader Destination DR_DST
Dimension Processing DP_DST
Excel Destination EX_DST
Flat File Destination FF_DST
OLE DB Destination OLE_DST
Partition Processing PP_DST
Raw File Destination RF_DST
Recordset Destination RS_DST
SQL Server Destination SS_DST
SQL Server Mobile Destination SSM_DST

I will be covering more on SSIS best practices in future posts. Questions, comments and feedback welcome.

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