Data Warehouse




What is an Action Target?

An Action Target is the portion of the cube to which the action relates and is the object that the user clicks to launch the action.

What is an Action Expression?

The action expression is a Multidimensional Expression that evaluates as a string relevant to the action type.

What does a URL Action do?

A URL Action opens up a specified web page when the action is triggered.

What are Target Types?

Target Types are the target type of the action target. There can be many target types:

  • Cubes
    • The action is available for all cube objects – every dimension, hierarchy, level, and member, and every cell containing a measure
  • Dimension
    • The action is available for all members of the dimension that you specify as the target object.
  • Hierarchy
    • The action is available to members of the specified hierarchy
  • Attribute Members
    • The action is available to specific attributes of a dimension.
  • Cells
    • The action is available to cells containing numeric values excluding members of a dimension.

What is the difference between Top-Down and Bottom-Up approach?

With the Top-Down approach we reverse engineer the data source (Data Warehouse or Data Mart) based upon the structure that we create in our Cube.


With the Bottom-Up approach we begin by extract data from the Data Warehouse and then building our Dimensions and Cubes based upon that data.


Bottom-Up is the more popular approach in the business world.

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