Data Warehouse




What are the Storage

Modes for Dimensions?

The storage modes for dimensions are MOLAP and ROLAP.


Dimensions can’t use HOLAP because dimensions do not perform aggregations.


Therefore, dimensions can have their data physically stored in their partition files via MOLAP.


Or dimensions can read their data from the relational database via ROLAP.

What are Aggregations?

Aggregations are precalculated summaries of data that improve query response time by having the answers ready before the questions are asked.


Precalculation of all possible aggregations in a cube results in the fastest possible response time for all queries. However, the storage and processing time required for the aggregations can be substantial.

What are the different Process Modes?

The different Process Modes include:

  1. Process Full

I.          Process Structure → Process Data → Process Indexes & Aggregations

II.            Does incremental ETL

  1. Process Structure

I.          Only processes the structure of the cube or dimension and not its data

  1. Process Data

I.          Drops old data and processes all data

  1. Process Incremental

I.          Does incremental ETL to bring in only changed data in the cube or partition

  1. Process Update
  2. Process Index
  3. Unprocess

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