Data Warehouse




What is SSAS?

SSAS stands for SQL Server Analysis Services.

It allows us to take data from our data warehouse and analyze it for Business Intelligence.

What are Attribute Hierarchies?

In relational tables, there are columns.

In Cube Dimensions, columns are known as Attribute Hierarchies.

What are Members of Attribute Hierarchies?

In relational tables, there are rows.

In Cube Dimensions, rows are known as Members of Attribute Hierarchies.

What are Data Sources?

Data Sources are the database sources such as data warehouses which extract data for SSAS to analyze.

What are Data Views?

 Data Views allow you to pull specific data from multiple data sources and create a data view

Why use HOLAP or ROLAP?

You would use HOLAP or ROLAP for 3 reasons:

  1. Optimizes Processing
  2. Optimizes Reading
  3. Saves Space

What are the two operations of SSAS?

The two operations of SSAS are:

  1. Processing
    1. Where data is extracted from the relational database and put into the cubes’ MOLAP storage files.
  2. Reading
    1. Where queries are execute done on the cube to gather data analysis

What are Bitmap Indexes?

A Bitmap Index is the index which is used in order to optimize cubes.
They are a special kind of index that stored the bulk of its data as bit arrays (bitmaps) and answers most queries by performing bitwise logical operations.

How do you maintain a Cube’s Bitmap Index?

You maintain a Cube’s Bitmap Index by rebuilding it. Whenever there is new data put in a cube the Bitmap Index is automatically rebuilt when the package is processed. However it is a good idea to rebuild Bitmap Indexes regularly in order to maintain efficiency.




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