SSAS Cube processing options.

1. Process Default.

Performs the minimum number of tasks required to fully initialize the object. The server converts this option to one of the other options based on the object state.

2. Process full

Drops the object stores and rebuilds the object. Metadata changes, such as adding a new attributes to a dimension, require Process Full.

3. Process Update

Applies member inserts, deletes, and updates without invalidating the affected cubes.

4. Process Add: Adds only new data.

5. Process Index: Retains data and builds only indexes and aggregations.

7. Unprocess: Deletes the object data or the data in the containing objects.

8. process structure: Deletes the partition data and applies process default to the cube dimensions.


process updata/Process Add —> process incremental.


Most common: Process Default, Process increment, Process Full.


Ways of Maintaining sync between Data in MOLAP and changes in the Underlying table. –

Proactive caching

SSIS Packages

xmla =xml for analysis


Implementing security in SSAS

As an SSAS Administrator, you will be performing various day to day tasks, such as managing the SSAS server instances(s); deploying, backing up, restoring and synchronizing databases; automating repetitive tasks, managing storage; processing objects; securing the Unified Dimensional Model(UDM); and monitoring the server performance. SSAS provides a comprehensive management framework to help you perform all of these activities to help you protect your cube data.

The SSAS user security architecture is layered on top of Windows Security. Users are authenticated based on their Windows accounts and authorized to their role memberships.


To simplify security management, SSAS lets you group Windows users and groups into roles. The security policies you define in a role restrict the cube space that the user is authorized to access.

Administrative Role

A user who is member of this role has unrestricted access to the entire server.

For example, members of the Administrators role can create SSAS databases and change server properties. you cannot delete the administrator roles.

Database roles

By default, users who are not members of the administrators role are denied access to SSAS. To grant users access to SSAS objects, you must create one or more database roles and assign the users to a role that gives them the required permissions.

Understanding Permissions

When you configure a role, you specify a set of security policies and attach these policies to an SSAS object, such as a cube or dimension. These security policies are saved as a collection of permissions inside the object metadata

Cell security is the most detailed level of SSAS security.


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