1. What is the purpose of the .NET Framework and the role of Visual C#?
Answer: The .NET Framework 4 provides a comprehensive development platform that offers a fast and efficient way to build applications and services. C# is the language of choice for many developers. It uses a very similar syntax to C, C++, and Java, with several extensions and features designed for operation with the .NET Framework.

2. What is the purpose of Visual Studio 2010 templates?
Answer: Visual Studio 2010 supports the development of different types of applications such as Windows-based client applications, Web-based applications, services, and libraries. To help you get started, Visual Studio 2010 provides several application templates that provide a structure for the different types of applications.

3. What is the purpose of Visual Studio projects and solutions?
Answer: A project is used to organize source files, references, and project-level configuration settings that make up a single .NET Framework application or library. A single Visual Studio solution is a container for one or more projects.

4. What is the purpose of a Main method?
Answer: Every .NET Framework application that compiles into an executable file must have a Main method. This method provides the CLR with an entry point into the application. When you run a .NET Framework application, the Main method is the first method that the CLR executes.

5. List some of the controls that WPF provides.
Answer: Any of Button, Canvas, ComboBox, Grid, Label, StackPanel, and TextBox.

6. What is the purpose of XML comments?
Answer: In Visual Studio 2010, you can add comments to your source code that will be processed to an XML file. This file can then be the input to a process that creates Help documentation for the classes in your code.

7. What is the purpose of the Visual Studio 2010 debugger?
Answer: Debugging is an essential part of application development. You may notice errors as you write code, but some errors—especially logic errors—may only occur in specific circumstances that you do not test for. Users may report these errors to you, and you will have to correct them. Visual Studio 2010 provides several tools to help you debug code.
Best Practices Related to Writing a C# Application
Supplement or modify the following best practices for your own work situations:
• Keep the Main method small and lightweight.
• Declare variables by using meaningful names and avoid reference to the underlying data type, for example, nameString.
• Define controls by using meaningful names and avoid reference to the underlying control type, for example, labelName.
• Add comments to your code that describe your thought process.


Use for
Where to find it
Enables users to modify the machine, user, and enterprise security policy. This can include defining a custom permission set and adding assemblies to the full trust list.
Enables users to manipulate the assemblies in the GAC. This can include installing and uninstalling assemblies in the GAC so that multiple applications can access them.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0Abin
Enables users to manipulate assemblies, such as determining whether an assembly is managed, or disassembling an assembly to view the compiled MSIL code.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0Abin
Enables users to create x.509 certificates for use in their development environment. Typically, you can use these certificates to sign your assemblies and define SSL connections.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0Abin
Enables users to improve the performance of .NET applications. The Native Image Generator improves performance by precompiling assemblies into images that contain processor-specific machine code. The CLR can then run the precompiled images instead of using JIT compilation.
Enables users to sign assemblies with strong names. The Strong Name Tool includes commands to create a new key pair, extract a public key from a key pair, and verify assemblies.
C:Program FilesMicrosoft SDKsWindowsv7.0Abin

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