Simple guide to get familiarize with the concept of data warehouse

What is a data warehouse? A data warehouse is a repository of an organization’s electronically stored data. Data warehouses are designed to facilitate reporting and analysis.   Dash board Datamart A data mart is a subset of an organizational data store, usually oriented to a specific purpose or major data subject, which may be distributed […]

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Notes on Software Capability Maturity Model (CMM)

The ability of a software development organisation to develop software that consistently meets the real requirements of a customer and doing so on time and within the budget is generally recognized to be fairly low across the industry. As the software projects continue to increase in size and importance, this inability greatly increases the risk […]

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R Programming to calculate the probability of a link being clicked on a website from a machine learning algorithm.

This topic is under machine learning and our interest is to know what is the probability that a link on our website will be clicked with information provided from a machine learning algorithm. So here is the  scenario, Suppose that we have created a machine learning algorithm that predicts whether a link will be clicked […]

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