TSQLTutorial 1: Constraints-Primary key, foreign key, check, default,unique key

I’ve been discussing general information about database/sql development but l’m now going to concentrate on one flavour of SQL called TSQL, microsoft version of SQL. TSQL is used by all microsoft SQL servers, so knowing TSQL in general will allow you to program in all microsoft SQL servers with minimal changes. I’m going to base […]

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Sql development. Tutorial 7: DDL,DML and DCL Components of SQL

In this tutorial, l’m going to quickly go over the languages that exist in SQL. SQL stands for Structured Query Language. It is made up of three components, Data Definition Language(DDL), Data Manipulation Language(DML) and Data Control Language(DCL). Let’s take a look at each of these languages and the general statements that fall under it […]

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Sql development. Tutorial 6: Normalization

In this tutorial, l’m going to discuss the topic of normalization. normalization is the technique of minimizing redundancy and anomaly in the data. It leads to creation of more tables. There a many normal forms but l’m going to discuss only the first 3 normal forms because they are the most important. To begin with, let’s look at […]

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