TSQL Tutorial 18:User Defined Functions.

In the last tutorial, l discussed stored procedures. Stored procedures are used for implementing the complex logic of a business while functions are commonly used for specific tasks. Do not confuse a stored procedure for a function, also remember there are system functions which are provided by the SQL Server. There are lot of system […]

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TSQL Tutorial 17: Recompiling Stored Procedures, strength and weak points of stored procedures.

In TSQL Tutorial 16, l discussed and implemented the various types of user defined stored procedures. I’m going to continue the discussion and probably end my discussion about stored procedures in this tutorial with some very important things to know about stored procedures apart from just writing the query to create them. In the last […]

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TSQL tutorial16: Stored Procedures

In this tutorial, I’m going to discuss one of the most important database objects that you’ll ever come across in SQL Sever Programming, that is Stored Procedures. Stored Procedures are T-sql statements written, pre-compiled and stored in the database which can accept one or more parameters and return one or more parameters. The server stores […]

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