This is one of the things l don’t like doing in school but I’m getting used to it. One thing most of us don’t like to do is writing. It sounds boring or annoying when you tell someone you have to write 25 page essay for a project but believe me or not, you can do it. These are some of the strategies I used when l get myself into this ugly problem. first, I stay away from google and think about a topic that I’ll use as the thesis or the theme around my writting. Sometimes, this is the most important part of the whole work because once you are able to come out with a thesis, the ideas just flow like a river(well, just imagine it like that). If you haven’t come out with any theme or topic that you are going to write about, it’s hard for you to focus on what to write or read to help you write. So first, develop a nice topic for your writing that will answer almost all the requirements of your paper. Once you have decided on a particular topic for your paper, run to the liquor store and get drunk lol, l’m kidding. So what you do next is read over and over your topic sentence and see if it rings proper in your ears, if it doesn’t ,find another topic sentence. If you have finally arrived at a solid one, look for resources that will help you answer or write to explain or answer the ideas contained in your topic sentence. Now, don’t just start writing because you think you’ve got a topic sentence, you’ll soon get stuck if your paper is a long one. Get a piece of paper and start collecting points you want to elaborate in your paper. do this until you are very sure you have enough points to expand in your  final writing and meet the requirements of the paper. Now, take a ride down the street and see which corner the babes are hanging out for the day lol, just kidding. Well, don’t stress yourself out because if your brain is stressed out, it’s very hard to come out with very good ideas for your paper so you need to relax yourself but don’t drink because if you do, you are totally wasted lol. You can have some drink after your work is complete. In looking for points you want to talk about in your paper, you can read some resources online, in the library, from books and gather some strong points. What I do most of the time is to try to argue what someone said. In that way, l don’t sound boring lol. So if there is a popular saying that everybody think it’s cool, l’ll take a stand against it and explain why it’s not right. That”s one of the tricks that can make you have a lot of things to say in a short time. if you agree to something, you don’t have much to say but if you disagree, you must say a lot to convince everybody that you are not stupid lol and that’s how l usually tackle my long papers. It’s not like you disagree with what the person said in real life but you know, you are doing this for marks and as far as you make sensible arguments, you are likely to get a good mark. And please don’t get person when  arguing this points because you will become totally informal in your writing and get an F lol. If you have to write the paper based on a book, It’s very helpful to just sit down and read the entire book first to get the idea of what the heck is going on before trying to come out with your topic sentence. if the research is a broader one like to write a paper on how stupid computers and technology made our society, well, you might not have to read a lot of books before coming out with your topic sentence. You can simply put yourself in those shoes and see how stupid you have become due to computers and technology. Ok, let’s go on, you have your topic sentence, collected points you want to elaborate on in your paper and  read some resources on the topic.  Now, get your vibes on and get to your computer and turn that bad boy word on, start with the topic sentence and begin writing any crap that will come to your mind about the points you have collected. if you ran of ideas, take a break but don’t drink at this time. Come back and continue in less than an hour because when you wait too long, you are likely going to get lazy and don’t want to write anymore that day. Get back and keep writing all your craps. This is just your first draft so anything that comes to your mind is good to put it on paper. After writing lot of craps, give yourself a break and have some fun. Come back later when your house is quiet and you feel so relaxed and intelligent. Go through all your crap and make as much revisions as possible to make sure what you are saying makes sense. You can start reading  aloud to yourself to hear how it sounds. Even though this is a little bit crazy when you have people around, it’s a good tool to detect errors in your writing. You can ask a friend to read out your paper loud to you or go to the writing center of your school if you have one to make sure you are not just writing craps that will never make sense to even a monkey.  Ok, that reminds me of something cool, l think dolphins are next to humans in terms of reasoning so if you can’t find help, get a dolphin to look over your work lol. After you have finished all revisions, now go get a drink on and don’t forget to submit your paper because no matter how nice and succinct your page explains your topic or answers the required question, you don’t get no mark if you don’t submit it. Take care and nice writing.

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