I have to say every method l’m going to describe below is not guaranteed to fix anyone’s problem, read and follow everything here at your own risk. I like blackberry phones but l’ve never had one till AT&T adopted the blackberry torch 9800. I love the phone because of the availability of the keypad in addition to the torch screen. I’ve never ever had in my mind that the physical keypad can become nonfunctional until one morning, when l tried to access my phone using the call key and it stood looking at me. I thought first, l might be dreaming but as l continued to press all other keys, l realized my keypad has died. I freaked out because the warranty has ran out on the phone and I do not carry insurance on the phone. I went on google and search for solutions to the problem and nothing worked. I found out many solutions others described but none of them worked for me but it’s good to try it for your phone before attempting the radical one that solved my problem. Some of the solutions described were removing the battery while the phone is still on and putting it back after about a minute. This will reset the phone and may solve the problem. That didn’t help me. Another one described to me by an AT&T technician which didn’t also worked was, to go to the options on the phone and enter the security settings menu, then select to wipe out all data on your phone. Off course, you must make sure you have a back up or make sure all necessary contacts are stored on your SIM card before attempting this. I tried all these but it failed. AT&T finally told me to either buy one of their go phones and use or try to buy another blackberry which is about $500. I was like, l don’t have freaking $500 to buy another blackberry at this time of the year and they said, unfortunately, they can’t help me. l understood they can’t help me so l decided to help myself. l read blackberry manuals and other materials about the blackberry Operation but nothing helped me. So I became so mad at my phone but l always keep it close to me so l can keep thinking of a way to solve the issue. I started using an ex-phone, an HTC Tilt which l kept and fixed magically after my daughter dropped it into her juice and l have to replace it with another phone for my wife. One day l came back from class and l sat looking at my blackberry. I admired the phone and  I said to myself, I can fix computers, write programs, design websites and do other stupid stuff in Technology but l can’t fixed my lovely blackberry and no one can help me. I decided to apply some techniques of fixing computers to my blackberry phone for the last chance to see if l can revive it. So l plugged it into my laptop and decide to just format the entire data and application on the phone using the computer.  At this point, l don’t care what happens so why not give it a try. It warned me the phone has applications running and I might not be able to access them after the  format. I clicked yes to format the entire device. Guess what happened? Everything formatted and the phone automatically reset to factory default. I press on  my keys with high hope and boom, it works. I jumped and said, yes! I did it. It was a special moment and victory for me so I decided to share this simple trick with anyone who might encounter this problem with their blackberry torch 9800.  Be cautious and back up your data, call your service provider to see if they can help you, reset by removing the battery while the phone is one, wipe data by accessing options, security and clicking wipe and if all of these failed, try my method: connect the phone to a laptop, copy all important data such as pictures and musics onto your computer’s hard drive, then right click on the phone’s drive in “my computer” under removable media, then select format. You can also check quick format to get things done quickly from the format window. You don’t have to worry about choosing a file format, NTFS or FAT32 is just fine to get the job done. Click “OK’ to format and after the format is complete, check if the keypad works, if it does you are success else you are screwed and have to invent your own method of solving the problem. Until then, I’m still in love with my blackberry lol.

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