This is not a usual daily type of problem you might encounter but it does occur. You are using you laptop and all of a sudden the screen turns upside down or sideways. You begin to wonder, is this a new virus attacking my computer? No it’s not a virus of course lol. You decide to turn your neck upside down or side ways to be able to use your computer. Well, there is a simple solution that can make you put your head back to normal, get the screen back to normal and use the computer as a normal person. It will be funny to see you with heads on the floor and legs up trying to work on the computer because the screen is upside down lol. Well, this is what causes the problem in the first place and fortunately how the problem is caused is the same way to fix the problem. Isn’t that weird? Lets say you have a disease and the doctor says, to fix the disease, you just have to get more of that disease lol. Ok, so the original problem may be caused by some key combinations or pressing some buttons unintentionally. The key combination most likely to cause this problem is CTRL+ALT+ DOWN ARROW Key or RIGHT ARROW key or LEFT ARROW KEY. Yep, and to resolve it simply do CTRL+ALT+UP ARROW key. So you can try this at home at your own risk, try doing those key combinations that causes the problem and use the resolving combination to fix it. Now, you’ve learned some cool trick to show your kids lol. Have fun.

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