Sometimes, our computers become so slow that, even a snail will deliver a mail to a neighbor faster than trying to access the internet and write an email to the same neighbor. There are many reasons why the computer gets slow and I’m going to explain some of the reasons why the computer gets slow or bogs down as it ages. The number one reason for many computers to run slower is the attack by a virus. Viruses are programs written by greedy programmers to make your computer misbehave and give you hell. There are different viruses out there but they are not the only cause of the slowness of the computer. Sometimes, the computer simply runs slower because you have installed too much programs on your computer. Some people install stuff that they don’t even know what it’s used for and they never even use it. So why not remove unwanted, unused programs that only take away space and use your processor and memory resources. When you install programs, whether you are using it or not, they programs or software that you installed have something like a  hook that it uses to hang on to the start up system of the Operating system if it needs to. So weather you start it or not, the program will be using resources as soon as the computer starts. The best way to get those resources back is to completely remove useless programs from your computer. After removing these programs or just as a good way of house keeping, it’s good to run a cleaner software like ccleaner( you can get it for free from )  Use that to clean up your registry to remove unnecessary left over and also clean up your entire computer, including your browser cache. This can be easy but the difficult task is when you have a virus on the computer. There are two ways to save your computer in this situation. First is to destroy everything on the computer and install fresh operating system on your computer and give it a fresh new life. This can cost you if you don’t know how to install operating system and other programs that helps your computer run smoothly. After installing a fresh operating system, it’s advisable to install a good anti virus program to keep you safe from future attacks. To get the best deal on this part of solution, I’ll recommend you check this site The other problem of slowness can be the size of your computer memory. The memory is like the human brain. When you install too much stuff on a low memory computer, it finds it difficult to quickly process user requests. The best thing is to upgrade your memory to a bigger size. You can do it yourself if you know what type of memory and the limit for the type of motherboard or computer you are using.  The memory for a laptop is different for that one for a desktop so you have to be careful when purchasing something online. The memories come in different forms and types, there are SDRAM, DDR, DDR2 and others. Also, another tricky part is the density of the memory. There are two types of densities; high density and low density. Don’t let the name high density deceive you to think it’s better, your computer might not be able to support it. Low density memories are 100% compatible with all computers while high density is compatible with only about 10% of computers. Your best bet is to look for low density memory when shopping. The trick is, high densities are cheaper than low densities but they might not work for your computer so you’ll end up wasting your money. High density memories is what l call left over memories because they are useless to most computers, from my point of view. Now, when you solve the problem the density, you should worry about weather you need an SDRAM or DDR or DDR2 or whatever type that your computer takes. Again I’ll recommend you check to inquire the best way to upgrade your ram. Some of the rams do not have anything written on it, please, if you don’t know anything about computers, don’t mess with them. Call a technician. But if you see SDRAM, which stands for Single Data Rate Random Access Memory, then you should only search for those type of memory. if you accidentally buy DDR, which stands for double data rate for your SDRAM, it’s totally useless. They are not compatible with each other, that means if your computer use SDRAM, there is no way you can put A DDR into it. That’s just how it is. There are some computers that have slot for both SDRAM and DDR so in those situations, you just put the SDRAM into its slot on the mother board and the DDR in its spot but you can switch their positions. So to make a long story short, always make sure you keep your computer healthy or upgrade your memory to get a faster speed.

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