These are notes l’m sharing for any one interested in SSAS

1. Attribute Hierarchy (All level and key level)

2. User Defined Hierarchy (Multiple Levels)

By default SSAS will create a hierarchy called – attribute hierarchy (All level and key level)

Natural hierarchies – If the parent level and child level in the hierarchy has 1:M relationship then it’s called natural hierarchy.

Unnatural Hierarchies/Report based hierarchies: These hierarchies are created to solve the reporting/analysis needs or to provide the user the multidimensional analysis experience.

Balanced hierarchy – No matter what path you follow along the hierarchies, you find a member at every level and each path has the same number of levels.

Unbalanced Hierarchy– You will find a member  at every level but some paths may have more levels than other paths.

Ragged hierarchy – In a ragged hierarchy, the logical parent member of at least one member  is not in the level immediately above the member. This can cause branches of the hierarchy to descend to different levels.


In SSAS 2005/2008 each attribute can act as its own hierarchy.

Expecting users to drag over the individual attributes to build a hierarchy each time is not feasible. Best practice is to hide the attribute hierarchies whenever you have used them to create user defined hierarchies.

Attribute relationships- Will let the engine know how the attributes are related to each other.

Attribute type —Rigid/Flexible

Cardinality –One/Many

You define attribute relationships by defining the key components

Attribute hierarchy( all -> key level/member level)

User Defined Hierarchy(Level 1->Level 2->Level3)

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