In spreading the ‘gospel’ of secession, the commissioners convinced slave states to dissociate themselves from the Union to sustain their institutions and the rights of the state. John Archer Elmore told South Carolinians that “the election of Lincoln was an avowed declaration of war upon institutions, the rights and interests of the South.” This argument was totally false because there was no evidence Lincoln aimed at destroying Southern states to the benefits of North. Lincoln called for the abolition of Slavery which evidently was not right for a country that was preaching freedom for all and this up set the Southern states.

Charles Edward Hooker also told South Carolinians to snatch their star from the galaxy in which it has hitherto mingled and plant her flag in the breech battle, sustaining revolution by the bold hearts and the willing arms of her people. Harris also maintained that the fathers made the US government a government for the white man, rejecting the negro, as an ignorant, inferior, barbarian race, incapable of self-government, and not, therefore entitle to be associated with the white man upon terms of civil, political equality. These arguments are invalid because no part of the declaration of independence or the constitution rejected the Negros and claimed that the government is for the white man.

Calhoun also made an argument that the North was embracing an abolitionist president and threatening the South with Political and Social destruction. These commissioners made all these false accusations of the North to persuade other Southern states to secede from the union but the secession from the unions is simply because of maintaining the institutions of slavery, which the South so desperately needed to, sustain its economy.

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