Most of us has truthfully checked in to places we have visited but there is something fishy about check ins that is not known to most of us. It is an advertising tool and makes places become popular so do not ever think someone is actually present at a place before checking in on facebook or other apps. Companies wants to be known so guess what, they manipulate things to make you feel they are popular. Ratings you see about any business can be manipulated any how to fool us human beings. Truth be told, computers are not the liars, they are told what to do and they do it almost to perfection. Checking in at a place is very risky as well but most of us just ignore the danger. Assume someone is stalking you, guess how much easy you make it for them to get information on where you are. But the main reason for this post is for me to clear out the misconception behind check ins that you see on facebook and the rest. The fact is, you can check in at any place on the world map without actually being there physically. The app is not built to make sure you are there before you check in, it’s built to check you in at a place because you want to. So it’s not the app that is wrong but our human simple understanding of it is wrong. This should be a warning for you when someone said they have checked in at a place so you should meet them there, it could be a trap. And businesses who have millions of check ins could simply get those through custom applications that impersonate a different user daily and check in at the place. Now you are saying what? Yep, when technology meets dollar, lot of crooked things can be done to full the innocent soul so be careful.

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