I’ve been buying and selling stuffs on eBay for sometime now and I enjoyed the exposure to large buyers and sellers on eBay but I’m about to reveal some spams you can easily encounter when shopping on the giant online market.

If you want to sell or run an eBay store, you have to be very careful when dealing with customers. eBay has a feedback program which allows buyers and sellers to give rating to each other based on their experience with each other. This program is one of the best methods available to encourage better customer service on eBay but some people take advantage of it and use it to abuse others. For example, if your are a seller and you put up an item for sell, someone can buy it without reading all descriptions about the item and when they receive the item, they are dissatisfied and want to get their money back. Meanwhile, your listing includes all information about the item and sometimes the statement that there is no refunds or returns for the item, but because some buyers know they can take advantage of you, they simply buy the stuff and when they receive it, they’ll give you negative feedback on your profile because you didn’t offer a refund. This is very offensive but there is absolutely nothing you can do when you are dealing with people on the internet. You can’t see them so they can be as dishonest as they want to be.

If you are not lucky, sometimes you will sell an item and ship it to the buyer but this buyer will claim he/she didn’t receive the item. The buyer will file a claim with eBay and you have to refund them and lose big time. The best way to avoid this situation is to always get a tracking number for items you ship to your buyers so when they filed a claim, you can use the number to confirm that the item has been delivered to their address.

Another problem you can easily come across is people who will buy your item and never pay. This is weird to understand but this is how the eBay system works. You’ll pay to list your item on the site, people will buy it and they’ll be directed to paypal to pay after purchasing it. Once your item is bought on eBay, it will be removed from the listing if that’s the last of that item you have. If the buyer didn’t however complete the payment process buy going to paypal and finalizing the payment, the payment will just show us pending in eBay but that item will not be available for another person to buy on eBay because it’s already sold. If the buyer refused to pay for the item after many days, you have to relist this item and pay again to do that. Making you to lose money for the stupidity of a  loser buyer lol

Another major spam is when you are selling downloadable products, people can pay to purchase the item, you send the download to them and  then they will file a claim with eBay that the item you sold them does not meet the description of the item on eBay.  This will frustrate you because the  easiest  way to resolve the problem is to refund the money to that wicked buyer.

Buyers beware because sometimes you can buy something on eBay, pay for the item and the seller will never ship the item to you. Another trick people will do is ship something different to you and they have a tracking number to confirm that they shipped the item to you so when you file a claim to get your money back, they will send the tracking number to eBay confirming that they  have shipped the item to you. You can make the argument that the item you receive doesn’t match what you bought but since this business is an online one, it’s hard to know who to trust and you might end up loosing your money to a thief.

eBay is one of the best places to get cheap stuff and sell stuff easily but it’s very important to be careful when dealing with people on the network because some people are taking advantage of the system to steal from others.

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