This tutorial will keep growing as we add more steps to creating absolute free blogging sites. Well, some people are likely to ask, what the heck are you talking about? A blog is a website for individuals to talk about issues that matters to them. It can be about your life, government, politics, education, religion or any issue that you want to talk about and make it available on the internet.

For this lesson, we are going to use google services for our blog creation. We may introduce other services such as wordpress as a tool for publishing blogs but at this time, we are focusing on creating and hosting a free blog using google blogger.

1. The first step is to create a gmail account. If you already have gmail account, then you are good to go but if you don’t, then go to and create one. Gmail is just another type of email services like yahoo but it’s part of google services. So after creating your gmail account, you want to check and see that it’s working well by logging in and out or send email to a friend or yourself.  

2. Go to and on the right side, you’ll see a login form. login with your gmail address and password.

3. If you have reached this step, then you are at a place  to give your blog a name and the address you want to use for your site.

we will continue from here.

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