1.    Consider two identical four-atom solids, one having 4 quanta of energy and the other having 10.

(a) What observable property differs between these two solids?

The two solids have different amounts of thermal energy and will be at different temperatures. The four-atom

solid with 10 energy quanta is at a higher temperature than the four-atom solid with 4 energy quanta.

(b) Allow 3 quanta of energy to be transferred from the solid with 10 quanta to the solid with 4 quanta of energy. Use

data from class on July 7th (the values of W) to determine  whether this energy transfer is likely, explaining your


W = 35 for n =4

W = 286 for n =10

W = 120 for n = 7

Winitial = W4 x W10 =  35 x 286 = 10,010

Wfinal = W7 x W7 =  120 x 1206 = 14,400

This thermal energy transfer is likely since the final arrangement is more probable  than the initial arrangement

(Wfinal > Winitial).

2.    For each pair of substances, choose the one that you expect to have the higher standard molar entropy S° at 25°C.

Explain your reasoning.

(a) CH3CH2OH(l); CH3CH2OH(g)

CH3CH2OH(g) is expected to have the higher standard molar entropy since molecules in the gas phase               have greater freedom of movement than molecules in the liquid phase.

(b) NO2(g); NO(g)

NO2(g) is expected to have the higher standard molar entropy because it is a more complex molecule (3             atoms vs. 2 atoms).

(c) Kr(g); HBr(g)

HBr(g) is expected to have the higher standard molar entropy because it is a more complex particle (2               atoms vs. 1 atom) even though it has a slightly lower molar mass than Kr.

3.    Without using a table of standard molar entropies, rank each of the following in order of increasing (smallest to

largest) standard molar entropy S°. Justify your reasoning.

(a)  N2O4(g); N2O5(g); and N2O(g)

S° [N2O(g)] < S° [N2O4(g)] < S° [N2O5(g)]

The value of the standard entropy (S°) increases with molecular complexity; in this instance increasing              molecular complexity means an increase in the number of atoms present in the molecule and an increase             in molar mass.

(b)  H2O(l) at 0°C; H2O(s) at -10°C; and H2O(s) at 0°C

S° [H2O(s) at -10°C] < S° [H2O(s) at 0°C] < S° [H2O(l) at 0°C]

The value of the standard entropy is higher for H2O(l) at 0°C than that for H2O(s) at 0°C due to an increase          in the freedom of movement of the water molecules in the liquid state (translational, rotational, and vibrational motion present) compared to the solid state (only vibrational motion present). The value of the   standard entropy for H2O(s) at 0°C is higher than that for H2O(s) at -10°C because ice at the higher                temperature has more thermal energy available to be arranged among the various energy levels. The            increase in thermal energy leads to an increase in the number of ways energy can be arranged among the                 energy levels which results in a higher value for S°.

(c)  H2O2(g); Ne(g); HCN(g); CH3CH2OH(g); and He(g)

This set contains both atoms and molecules; atoms have lower standard molar entropy values than    molecules.

S° [He(g)] < S° [Ne(g)] < S° [HCN(g)] < S° [H2O2(g)] < S° [CH3CH2OH(g)]

From He to Ne there is an increase in mass, beyond that, the molecules increase in   complexity.

4.   Without doing any calculations, determine the sign of DSsys for each of the following processes. Justify your reasoning.

(a)  O2(g)  +  O(g)     ®     O3(g)

The entropy change for this chemical reaction is predicted to be negative. There is a decrease in the   number of moles of gas from the reactants to the product  (2 moles ® 1 mole). The decrease in the number            of independent particles means that the entropy of the product (the final state) is less than the entropy of                the reactants (the initial state). Since DS°system = S°fS°i the value of DS°system is negative.

(b)  I2(s)     ®     I2(g)

The entropy change for this phase change is predicted to be positive. The I2 molecules experience a large         increase in the freedom of movement when going from the physical state with the least freedom of            movement (solid – only vibrational motion possible) to the physical state with the most freedom of         movement (gas or vapor – translational, rotational, and vibrational motion present). This increase in             freedom of movement means that I2 molecules in the vapor phase have a higher value of S° than I2 molecules in the solid phase. This results in a positive value for DS°system.

(c)  CH3OH(l)   ®   CH3OH(s)

The entropy change for this phase change is predicted to be negative. The     available freedom of motion for     molecules decreases going from the liquid phase to the solid phase.

5.   Without doing any calculations, determine the sign of DSsys and DSsurr for each of the chemical reactions below. Explain

your reasoning.

Remember that DSsurr =  – DHsys/T

(a)   2 CO(g)   +   O2(g)     ®     2 CO2(g)                                          DH°rxn = -566.0 kJ

DSsys < 0; decreasing the number of gas molecules

DSsurr > 0; exothermic reaction

(b)   2 NO2(g)     ®     2 NO(g)   +   O2(g)                                          DH°rxn = +113.1 kJ

DSsys > 0; increasing the number of gas molecules

DSsurr < 0; endothermic reaction

6.   Why is the enthalpy of vaporization of methanol (CH3OH) greater at room temperature than it is at its normal boiling


Methanol molecules have a lower kinetic (or thermal) energy at room temperature than at the normal boiling point. The enthalpy of vaporization is the energy difference     between molecules in the liquid phase        and the gas phase. Since the energy of the liquid is lower at room temperature, the energy difference that    must be overcome to become a vapor is greater which results in a greater enthalpy of vaporization.

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