1.   Consider the following molecules: H2S, PF3, CS2, IBr, and CBr4. Which molecules in this list are not polar? Justify your


We need to determine the polarity of the molecules using the geometries predicted by VSEPR Theory.

H2S Þ 2 bonding groups, 2 lone pairs on sulfur

bent molecular geometry Þ polar molecule

PF3 Þ 3 bonding groups, 1 lone pair on phosphorus

trigonal pyramidal molecular geometry Þ polar molecule

CS2 Þ 2 bonding groups, 0 lone pairs on carbon

linear molecular geometry Þ nonpolar molecule

IBr Þ diatomic molecule with 2 different atoms Þ polar molecule

CBr4 Þ 4 bonding groups, 0 lone pairs on carbon

tetrahedral molecular geometry Þ nonpolar molecule

Therefore, CS2 and CBr4 are the nonpolar molecules on this list.

2.   Determine whether each of the following molecules is polar or nonpolar. Recall that the shape of a molecule is not

necessarily given by the Lewis structure. (Notice that lone pairs are omitted in the following structures.)

(a)                                                                     (b)

polar                                                                                          polar

(c)                                (d)                          (e)

polar                                                           polar                                                  nonpolar

3.  List the intermolecular attractive forces which must be overcome in order to convert each of the following substances

from a liquid to a gas.

(a) CO2

nonpolar molecule Þ dispersion forces

(b) CH3Br

polar molecule Þ dispersion forces and dipole-dipole forces

(c) Ne

noble gas atom Þ dispersion forces

(d) CH3NH2

polar molecule with a hydrogen atom covalently bonded to a nitrogen atom Þ dispersion forces

dipole-dipole forces

hydrogen “bonds

4.  Identify the types of intermolecular attractive forces that are present in each of the following substances and select the

substance in each pair that has: (a) the stronger overall intermolecular attractive forces and (b) the higher boiling point.

Justify your reasoning.

Remember that a molecular liquid with stronger intermolecular attractive forces will have a higher boiling         point than a molecular liquid with weaker intermolecular attractive forces.

(i) HF or HCl

HF Þ dispersion forces, dipole-dipole forces, and hydrogen bonds

HCl Þ dispersion forces and dipole-dipole forces

Since hydrogen bonding is present between HF molecules and absent between HCl molecules, HF will have     the stronger overall intermolecular attractive forces and the higher boiling point.

(ii) CH3CH3 or CH3CH2CH3

Both compounds have only dispersion forces present between their molecules. The molar mass of      CH3CH2CH3 is greater than that of CH3CH3 (or CH3CH2CH3 has more electrons than does CH3CH3) so             CH3CH2CH3 has stronger dispersion forces. Thus, CH3 CH2CH3 will have the stronger overall      intermolecular    attractive forces and the higher boiling point.

(iii) CH3CH3 or H2CO

CH3CH3 Þ nonpolar molecule Þ dispersion forces

H2CO Þ polar molecule Þ dispersion forces and dipole-dipole forces

Both compounds have essentially the same molar mass so their dispersion forces should be comparable in     strength. H2CO will have the stronger overall intermolecular attractive forces and the higher boiling point             due to the additional forces of attraction present between polar molecules.

5.  Rationalize, in terms of the intermolecular attractive forces present, the observation that 1-propanol (CH3CH2CH2OH) has

a boiling point of 97.2EC, whereas a compound with the  same molecular formula, ethyl methyl ether (CH3CH2OCH3),

boils at 7.4EC.

1-propanol is a polar molecule which can form hydrogen bonds, whereas ethyl methyl ether is a polar molecule which cannot form hydrogen bonds. Hence, 1-propanol has stronger intermolecular attractive            forces which results in a higher boiling point.

6.  List the substances CH3CH3, CH3OH, CH2Cl2, and CH4 in order of increasing DHvap. Explain your reasoning.

Remember the stronger the intermolecular attractive forces the greater the value of DHvap. We need to                 determine the intermolecular attractive forces present between molecules in each of these compounds as       well as their relative strength.

CH3CH3 Þ dispersion forces

CH3OH Þ dispersion forces, dipole-dipole forces, and hydrogen bonds

CH2Cl2 Þ dispersion forces and dipole-dipole forces

CH4 Þ dispersion forces

The molar mass of CH4 is less than that of CH3CH3 (or CH4 has fewer electrons than CH3CH3) so CH4 has           weaker dispersion forces than CH3CH3. Since CH3OH can   form hydrogen bonds whereas CH2Cl2 cannot,         CH3OH has stronger intermolecular attractive forces. We can list these compounds in order of the               increasing strength of intermolecular attractive forces: CH4, CH3CH3, CH2Cl2, and CH3OH. Thus, we have the            following list in order of increasing DHvap.

CH4 < CH3CH3 < CH2Cl2 < CH3OH

7.  Which will evaporate more quickly: 25mL of propanal in a beaker or 25mL of 1-propanol in an identical beaker under

identical conditions? Is the vapor pressure of the two substances different? Explain your reasoning.

propanal                                                1-propanol

We need to determine which liquid has the weaker intermolecular attractive forces. A liquid with weaker                 intermolecular attractive forces will evaporate more quickly and will have a greater vapor pressure at a            given temperature than a liquid with greater intermolecular attractive forces.

Propanal: Dispersion forces and dipole-dipole interactions

1-Propanol: Dispersion forces, dipole-dipole interactions, and hydrogen bonds

Since the intermolecular attractive forces are weaker between molecules of propanal than between    molecules of 1-propanol, propanal will evaporate more quickly and will have a greater vapor pressure at a     given temperature than 1-propanol.

8.  How much heat (in kJ) is evolved in converting 1.00 mol of steam at 145.0°C to ice at -50.0°C? The heat capacity of

steam is 2.01 J/g·°C and of ice is 2.09 J/g·°C.

This process can be broken down into five steps.

1. Cool steam from 145.0°C to 100.0°C

2. Condense steam at 100.0°C

3. Cool water from 100.0°C to 0.0°C

4. Freeze water at 0.0°C

5. Cool ice from 0.0°C to – 50.0°C

The additional data required for this problem are given below.

molar mass of water = 18.05 g/mol                               cwater = 4.184 J/g·°C

DHcondense = – 40.7 kJ/mol DHfreeze = – 6.02 kJ/mol

1.  q1 = mcsteamDT = (18.05 g)(2.01 J/g·°C)(100.0°C – 145.0°C)  = (18.05 g)(2.01 J/g·°C)(-45.0°C)

q1 = -1.63 kJ

2.  q2 = nDHcondense = (1.00mol)(-40.7 kJ/mol) = – 40.7 kJ

3.  q3 = mcwaterDT = (18.05 g)(4.184 J/g·°C)( 0.0°C – 100.0°C)  = (18.05 g)(4.184 J/g·°C)(-100.0°C)

q3 = -7.55 kJ

4.  q2 = nDHfreeze = (1.00mol)(-6.02 kJ/mol) = – 6.02 kJ

5.  q1 = mciceDT = (18.05 g)(2.09 J/g·°C)(-50.0°C – 0.0°C)  = (18.05 g)(2.09 J/g·°C)(-50.0°C)

q1 = -1.89 kJ

qTotal = q1 + q2 + q3 + q4 + q5 = – 57.8 kJ

Thus 57.8 kJ of heat are evolved.

9.  Textbook, problem 11.84.

(a) What is the normal boiling point for iodine?  184.4 °C

(b) What is the melting point for iodine at 1 atm?

This is the definition of the normal melting point which is 113.6 °C.

(c) What phase is present at room temperature and normal atmospheric pressure?

The solid phase is present under these conditions (20 – 25 °C and approximately 1 atm pressure).

(d) What phase is present at 186 °C and 1.0 atm?

The gas phase is present under these conditions.

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