1. Gallium consists of two isotopes of masses 68.95amu and 70.95amu with abundance of 60.16% and 39.84%, respectively.  What is the average atomic mass of gallium? ( Ans: ca.  69.75)
  1. Naturally occurring cupper exists in two isotopic forms: 63Cu and 65Cu.  The atomic mass of copper is 63.55amu.  What is the approximate abundance of 63Cu? (Ans: ca. 70%)
  1. Naturally occurring element X exists in three isotopic forms: X-28 (27.977amu, 92.21% abundance), X-29(28.976amu, 4.70% abundance), and X-30 (29.974amu, 3.09% abundance).  Calculate the atomic weight of X. (Ans: ca.  28.1amu)
  1. The atomic mass of rhenium is 186.2.  Given that 37.1% of natural rhenium is rhenium 185, what is the other stable isotope? (Ans: 187Re )


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