Wick Cutter is the creditor in Willa Carther’s My Antonia. He is a merciless money lender who took advantage of the Russians, Peter and Pavel. His name suggests someone who cuts progress in other’s life and he did exactly so. He made the Russians faced a hell of trouble by asking for an exorbitant bonus on renewing their loan because they did not meet the due date of their monthly payment, causing the Russians to give mortgage on their pig, cow and horses. He always threatens the wife to cut down her cedar trees if she did not follow his demands.
Lena is the oldest girl of Chris Lingard in Willa Cather’s My Antonia. She lived in the Norwegian settlement in black hawk and herded her father’s cattle. She was always barefooted, bareheaded and worn tattered clothes on the field but behaved so feminine as compared to other girls who turn manly doing the same job. She later went to the city and work for Mrs. Thomas, the dressmaker, where she learned to sew. She is a pretty girl with candid eyes who Jim burden always dream about instead of Antonia and Antonia did not like the relationship between Jim and Lena Lingard because Antonia thought Lena was a devilish spoilt girl and could have bad influence on Jim.
Orpheum is the theater in Adam McOmber’s “FALL, Orpheum”. It is a grand old theater that turned into a grave to consume many residents of the town. Kitty miller’s disappearance led to the discovery of the many bad things the theater has done to the town. The whole town rose against it and mashed it down to pieces and it became national news leading to the arrest of David Miller, Kitty’s brother and other residents. May Avalon, the old lady ticket seller at the theater was the only one who knows the scenic things that happens in it but never revealed it to anyone. She represents the keeper of the devil’s gate and opens the door for David to see if the sister was underneath the dark stairs underground the back room. The word, Orpheum, is derived from Orpheus, a great Greek mythological poet and musician whose skills could charm animals, plants, and even rocks. That’s weird enough to make any theater with that name scary as hell as Orpheum.
Turkey is the nickname of one of the copyists in Herman Melville’s “ Bartleby the Scrivener”. Turkey is an English man in the sixties whose face is florid hue in the morning, meridian in the afternoon and blazed like a grate full of Christmas coals at dinner time. He is too energetic and reckless about all his activities and sometimes very noisy. Despite his negative acts, he was a quick worker with his own style of throwing pens, tearing paper, pushing chair all over the office and making ridiculous sounds. He doesn’t like dressing and he couldn’t handle a coat given to him by his boss. Being a bad and good servant at the same time, his boss could not get rid of him because no one can replace him.
Blueeyes is the ex-girlfriend of Larry, the father of Izzy and Abigail in Travis Klunick’s “Yeguas y caballos”. After Larry’s wife left the house one day after dropping the girls off at school without telling them she is abandoning them, Larry called on Blueeyes to help Izzy, the older daughter, to take care of her menstrual period which showed up just two days after the mother left. Blueeyes was kind and helped the girls and they liked her, despite having a past with their dad and working as a hooker. Larry was confused about his relationship with blueeyes and even dreamed of a lady with blue eyes, instead of dreaming of one with brown eyes as that of the wife. Blueeyes is passionate and lovely as she didn’t turn down on Larry after apparently running away from their relationship for no reason, just like the wife did to him.

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