Sql development. Tutorial 5: Relation Schema

Today, l’m discussing the relation schema. This document comes directly from the Entity Relationship Diagram. However, l don’t think you need an entity relationship diagram to create the relation schema but l think its the approved way of going about the database design. I’m going to use a sample Entity Relation schema l drew for […]

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sql development. Tutorial 4: Entity Relationship Diagram

This weeks tutorial is dedicated to one important document in the database design life cycle. This is Entity relationship Diagrams, l’ll refer to it as ERD through out the tutorial. What is an ERD? It is a simple graphical representation of the Entities and relationship that exist among them. It also captures all the attributes […]

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Sql Development. Tutorial 3:Candidate Key, Primary Key, Unique Key, Composite Key, Alternate Key, Secondary Key

It’s a beautiful Sunday afternoon here in San Diego. Wish l could be on the beach but l’m just home chilling. Ok, l’m going to continue the tutorial on database development. Today, l’ll be talking about Keys. I wanted to talk about Entity Relationship Diagrams and Relation Schema today but l think that’s just going […]

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Sql Developement. Tutorial 2: Database Design Levels

In this second week of the tutorial, l’m going to talk about the levels of database development and explain what each of these levels are and how they are important to the database design process. There are 3 levels of database development. These levels are Conceptual, Logical and Physical. Conceptual level is the basic and […]

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