chemistry:solved problems 6

1.   Using the values of DHf° and S° provided, calculate the quantities listed below for the following phase change in ethanol, CH3CH2OH. CH3CH2OH(l)     ⇄     CH3CH2OH(g) DHf° [CH3CH2OH(l)] = -277.69 kJ/mol                   DHf° [CH3CH2OH(g)] = -235.10 kJ/mol S°[CH3CH2OH(l)] = 160.7 J/mol·K                        S°[CH3CH2OH(g)] = 282.7 J/mol·K The sign of DS°total will inform us as to whether […]

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Chemistry:solved problems 4

1.  Write the equilibrium-constant expression, in terms of concentrations, for each of the following reactions. (a)  TiCl3(s)     W     TiCl(s)   +   Cl2(g) Kc = [Cl2] (b)  CuCl42-(aq)     W     Cu2+(aq)   + 4 Cl – (aq) Kc = ([Cu2+ ][Cl – ]4)/[CuCl42- ] (c)  CO(g)   +   H2O(g)     W     CO2(g)   +   H2(g) Kc = ([CO2][H2])/([CO][H2O]) (d)  4 H3O+(aq)   +   […]

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