Similarities in Rip Van Winkle and The country husband

Rip Van Winkle, by Washington Irving, and Cheever’s “The Country Husband” are similar stories about the American Revolution. Rip Van Winkle and Francis Weed’s character depicts the American society. Dame Van Winkle and Julia Weed represent the colonial masters of America and how they suppressed America to bow down for the British crown. Rip Van […]

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Comparing Gimpel the fool and the Magic Barrel

“The Magic Barrel” is written by Bernard Malamud and “Gimpel the Fool” is written by Issac Bashevis Singer. Both Authors are Jews and portray some similarity and parallelism in their stories. In “The Magic Barrel”, Leo Finkle, a rabbinical student acted like a fool all his life by not engaging in social life until his […]

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