A good man is hard to find and Everything that rise must converge comparism

Pride is considered to be one of the seven “deadly sins” in traditional Christian morality. Flannery O’Connor’s two short stories “Everything that Rises Must Converge” and “A Good Man is Hard to Find” are both concerned with the humiliation of the haughty and the humbling of the proud. The Christian Theological concept of “Grace” or […]

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Fall, Orpheum and The fall of the house of Usher

Fall, Orpheum The “Fall, Orpheum” is written by Adam McOmber. The word, Orpheum, is derived from Orpheus, a great Greek mythological poet and musician whose skills could charm animals, plants, and even rocks (Wikipedia). The title “Fall, Orpheum” suggests the end of a horrible creature or dictatorship. This story is similar to “The Fall of the […]

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How Willa Cather used Paul's case to unlock her novel, My Antonia

In Willa Cather’s story Paul’s Case, Paul’s father does not understand him, and the faculty members are resentful of Paul’s cocky attitude. He has a red carnation in his buttonhole and his tie is adorned by an opal stick pin. Such adornments and his constant smiling they consider not fitting for a student under suspension […]

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