SQL Interview prep quiz 2 : Explain the difference between CTE and a subquery and give some advantages of using one over the other in OLAP vs OLTP systems

In this quiz, we are asked to give some differences between a common table expression and a subquery and what are some advantages of using one over the other in OLAP vs OLTP systems. This question is loaded so let’s break it down and explain each component. A common table expression (CTE) can be thought […]

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Predicting the future price of Bitcon using time series analysis

I am performing analysis on some top crypto currencies to see the trend and how they move together. Will Bitcoin reach $100,000 in 2022? Lets see how that goes lol. I am getting the data for the analysis from Coinbase pro API. Coinbase is a cryptocurrency exchange and anyone can reproduce the below analysis using […]

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Differences between aggregation and composition in Python Class

Have you heard the term aggregation or composition of classes in python? This can be a little tricky but let me share a simple scenario to explain the concept. Let’s assume we have a class employee and another class salary. The salary class has capability to calculate annual salary given the pay and the bonus. […]

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