R= round    Y= yellow seeds    P = purple flowers    T = tall        G = green pods

r = wrinkled    y = green seeds    p = white flowers        t = short        g = yellow pods


  1.  Show the cross and analyze the offspring from two homozygous parents, one of which is tall and one of which is short.


  1.  Cross the offspring from #1 with a short parent.  Analyze the offspring.


  1.  Cross two homozygous parents, one of which has purple flowers and green seeds and the other of which has white flowers and yellow seeds.  Analyze the offspring from this cross.


  1.  Cross the offspring from #3 with a heterozygous plant with purple flowers and yellow seeds.  Analyze the offspring from this cross.


  1.  You have a tall plant and you want to know whether it is homozygous or heterozygous.  Explain what to do and show the cross(es) that are appropriate to this situation.


  1. You cross a plant with round seeds with a plant with wrinkled seeds.  Some of the offspring have wrinkled seeds.  What does that tell you about the genotype of the round-seeded plant?


  1.  A colorblind woman marries a normal-vision man.  What are the chances that they will have a colorblind son?


  1.  You know that you carry the allele for sickle cell anemia.  What are the chances that, if you marry someone else who carries the sickle cell allele, you will have a child with the disease?


  1.  Your mother died of Huntington disease.  What are the chances that you also have the disease?


  1.  The parent generation is a green-seeded,  wrinkled female and a homozygous yellow-seeded, round male.  Show the cross(es) and analyze the offspring for both the F1 and F2 generations.


  1.  After crossing a red snapdragon with a white snapdragon, all of the offspring have pink flowers.  What does this tell you, both about the genotype of the parents and about the kind of inheritance that is demonstrated by pink snapdragons?


  1.  Your blood type is O.  You marry someone with blood type A.  Show the cross(es) that would result and give the possibility that one of your children would have Type O blood.


  1.  You have Type A blood.  Knowing that your parents had Type O and Type AB blood, what is your genotype?  Show the cross(es) that would explain this.


  1.  A woman with a colorblind father marries a normal-vision male.  What is the chance that she will have colorblind sons?  Show the cross(es) that are appropriate.


  1.  You have already had 2 daughters.  What is the chance that your next child will be a boy?  Show your work.


  1.  You have crossed two tall plants.  A few of the offspring are short.  What are the genotypes of the plants you crossed?


  1.  There are 3 new babies in the hospital nursery.  One is blood type A, one is blood type AB, and one is blood type O.  Someone forgot to put name tags on the babies.  Examine the blood types of the 3 sets of parents below, and tell which baby goes with which parents.  SHOW YOUR WORK!!

Parents #1:  Type A and Type O

Parents #2: Type O and Type B

Parents #3: Type A and Type AB


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