Most often, social media has betrayed and cost many lives, jobs, friends and even people are getting fat because of social media but why can’t we just stop using it? Well, that’s not too difficult to answer, because our lives are so boring and we have become addicted to technology. This is not our fault, it is the work of geniuses and those techie guys. They try to find a niche and build a tempting technology around it which is very hard to resist because it pleasures us either sexually, emotionally, spiritually, financially or just plain stupid. The unfortunate is when those feelings go wild, we end up putting stuff out there which can or will eventually hurt us, society, friend or family. So how can you avoid being a social ridicule? Believe me, the answer is not avoiding social media or technology all together because that’s not the world we live. We are in a world  that throws many junk to our face just walking from our house to the trash can so you can’t rely on that bible saying that when you realized part of your body causing you to sin, then cut it off. I can’t remember the exact saying but I hope you get the idea. So I have an idea how to avoid being caught in technostupidity(I made that up lol). The solution is not that hard but it relies on your judgment to provide a better outcome.  I think if you can ask the following questions about anything you want to post on your Facebook and get a true yes for all of them, then what you are about to post will not affect anyone or anything negatively ever. Here are the questions to ask; 1. Would social media allow me to post it? 2. Would my partner past, present and future be comfortable  about it? 3. Would all families and friends be comfortable with it? 4. would my religious leaders and members of my religion be comfortable with it? 5. Would my boss and company members be comfortable with it? 6. Would security and privacy for everyone and everything be safe? 7. Would there be peace? 8. Would there be justification for it? 9. Would everything remain intact after it is posted? 10. Would law and order  preserved?

Those are the 10 commandments about things to share on facebook and any social media. If you don’t get a straight yes to any of them, don’t share it and you will never regret anything later.

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