The purpose of the corporation

When the ancient Greek philosophers such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle wanted to know what was “good” they appealed to the function or purpose of a thing. For example, a good strategy is one  that wins, or a a good racehorse is one that is fast. Using the Greek method, we will try to answer […]

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Morality & Ethical theory

Part 1: Module 1 Learning Targets This module defines morality and discusses how morality applies to business ethics. It then describes different moral philosophies that help explain how and why people make different moral decisions when faced with the same dilemma. Finally, the module provides insight into the relevance of case analysis for discussion of […]

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Command-Line SVN

I want to give this little tutoring on Subversion. To those who are not familiar to Subversion, it is a project management software that allow group of people to work on the same project from their individual computers and keep history or version of each step of their development on a main repository server. Simply […]

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Physics:Gas laws and enthalpy

 Gases exist at 25 C and 1 atmosphere pressure (atm) under normal conditions. Gases assume the volume and shape of their containers, are the most compressible of the states of matter, will mix eventually and completely when confined to the same container and have much lower densities than liquids and solids.  Atmospheric Pressure […]

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