Fundamentals of Statistics Practice questions

These are bunch of statistics questions anyone can practice to test their capability in handling statistical data.Anyone can submit their answers using the comment box to any of the questions and l’ll reply if its right or wrong. If you are have problem solving any of the questions, please submit a request for the solution […]

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Dehumanization of Africans by Europeans during the Slave trade.

Dehumanization is the act of making someone less of a person. Europeans have attempted various ways to dehumanize Africans. First, Europeans ripped Africans off their identity. They have introduced European religious belief and ways of life and condemned the traditions of the African people. This has resulted in the lost of many original African traditions […]

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Introduction to Powerful and free statistical software: R and R Commander Package

Technology has given us lot of convenience over almost every day to day task and it’s good to take advantage of it. I’m going to explain how to use a free statistics software to get most of your statistics analysis done pretty easy. Now, l’m not actually explaining concepts in statistics but l think it’s […]

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