SSIS Tutorial 3: Understanding Basic SSIS Terminologies:Control Flow Tools, Data Flow Tools, Variables and Connection Managers.

I’m continuing with the basic terminologies to get us going into knowing the details of the SSIS tool in general. In the previous tutorial, I’ve introduce the interface of the SSIS platform. We discussed the control flow, data flow, event handlers and a package it self. As we saw in the last tutorial, the control flow is […]

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SSIS Tutorial 2: Understanding Basic SSIS Terminologies: Package, Control flow, data flow, event handler and ETL

I’ve started talking about SSIS in the last tutorial and today, l’m moving forwared to introduce the Interface of the SSIS platform. Its very important to know the tool from outside before you start messing around with it. So, Lets go through some of the features on the interface as we  start to create our […]

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